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Questo blog non rappresenta una testata giornalistica in quanto viene aggiornato a discrezione dell'autore in maniera non periodica e sistematica. Non è quindi un prodotto editoriale, ai sensi della legge 62 del 7/3/2001. Tutte le fotografie sono di mia produzione.
Grazie a tutti.Jouvenceaux, Jouvençeaux, Sauze d'Oulx, Oulx, Ulzio, Salice d'Ulzio
7 commenti:
I know just how s/he feels! I would just like to snooze the afternoon away today too! Pretty cat!
My Camera Critters Here and Here
Typical cat-like disinterest.
What a pretty kitty and a cute post.
so cute!!!
Ah, my cat is so much like yours! It must be so typical of them!
Very nice photos!! =)
Mountain Retreat Photos
Typical cat! The words were perfect with these great shots.
Hi! Just like a cat. When you want to cuddle they don't. When you don't feel like cuddling, they do. And they usually get their way. Lisa
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