venerdì 22 agosto 2008

Art in forest in Jouvenceaux - 1

This is a first image of a series sharing the "Art in forest" close to Jouvençeaux.

Click on image to enlarge

16 commenti:

gaz ha detto...

this is a really interesting composition. i like the feel...

Daniel Chérouvrier ha detto...

Un bain de jouvence en forêt !
Fine piece of art.

Anonimo ha detto...

Nice photograph.

AphotoAday ha detto...

Very nice... Lovely composition...
Best regards, Don.

chrome3d ha detto...

Artistic stuff all the way. Mystery in the clouds. Thanks!

Anonimo ha detto...

An arresting picture - very fine.

Harry Makertia ha detto...

I enjoy your pgotoblog! And I love this photo!

Jane Hards Photography ha detto...

A s always such a strikng image copmosing the sculpture off to one side is a real statement.

Rune Eide ha detto...

Not only Art in the forest - also in photography!

Kelly ha detto...

Great photo! So interesting and such beauty!!! Well done!!!

sonia a. mascaro ha detto...

Amazing photo!

Lara ha detto...

a great background for the art piece!

Arija ha detto...

What an incredibly beautiful blog you have! I could spend days loosing myself in it. Please drop in on mine so I can re-visit and enjoy. The alps, wood sculptures and architectural details are all a delight as is the mountain flora.

Your sky photo is charming. when skies are grey and dreary you just add a moon! I love it. Gracie mille.

Louise ha detto...

The photo is art. Well done.

J. ha detto...

The sky is really great!

Erik W. Laursen ha detto...

It is shots like this that make me want to be a better photographer, instead of just a hack with a lens.

Please, Contact me by e-mail

Questo blog non rappresenta una testata giornalistica in quanto viene aggiornato a discrezione dell'autore in maniera non periodica e sistematica. Non è quindi un prodotto editoriale, ai sensi della legge 62 del 7/3/2001. Tutte le fotografie sono di mia produzione.
Grazie a tutti.

Jouvenceaux, Jouvençeaux, Sauze d'Oulx, Oulx, Ulzio, Salice d'Ulzio