sabato 4 ottobre 2008


Come on, don't make me laugh!

23 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto... cute! Nice shots too:) Mine is posted HERE. Happy CC!~

ratmammy ha detto...

haha!! so cute! yes, it looks like he is laughing!

Lapa37 ha detto...

Beautiful dog.

Rose ha detto...

This dog gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling...

Aisha ha detto...

You dog is super cute! Wow! Such a beautiful fur too.

Busy Mom in Iowa ha detto...

Gorgeous dog and great pictures!!

Reader Wil ha detto...

Wonderful, adorable doggie! He laughs without doubt!! Have a great weekend.

Christy ha detto...

Very cute. Very beautiful dog.

Carletta ha detto...

Beautiful dog! White dogs have always been my favorite.

Sherrie ha detto...

He's beautiful! He looks very happy in the photo. Take Care!!


Anonimo ha detto...

What a sweetheart!

Anonimo ha detto...

LOL he really does look like he's laughing!

Ramblings of a Villas Girl ha detto...

This is funny. The first photo looks that he is really laughing.

Anonimo ha detto...

What a beauty! Thanks for sharing.

Please stop by both blots for some camera critters!

Hope you have a great weekend!

i beati ha detto...

omg this is the coolest. This dog is laughing. I must have a photo for my desk . Mind if I copy it hahahahah

Jane Hards Photography ha detto...

Oh my gosh he's gorgeous

Anonimo ha detto...

thanks for that beautiful smile, beautiful dog!

Müge Tekil ha detto...

Hihihi ... Yes, he's laughing this lovely dog! Is he your dog? If "yes", I wish both of you a perfect Sunday! Ciao!

Misty DawnS ha detto...

What a very beautiful dog! I love these photos.

Gretchen ha detto...

What an adorable dog! Is he yours?

Kelly ha detto...

Ohhhh, he is so cute!!! He does look like he is laughing! Great picture!

Arija ha detto...

What a joy of a dog. If everyone had such a friend, the world would be a much better place.

tr3nta ha detto...

bel cagnolone... :-)

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