Questo blog non rappresenta una testata giornalistica in quanto viene aggiornato a discrezione dell'autore in maniera non periodica e sistematica. Non è quindi un prodotto editoriale, ai sensi della legge 62 del 7/3/2001. Tutte le fotografie sono di mia produzione. Grazie a tutti. Jouvenceaux, Jouvençeaux, Sauze d'Oulx, Oulx, Ulzio, Salice d'Ulzio
9 commenti:
Nice shot you have there!Mine is HERE if you have a time! Thanks!
Oh I love that shot. Something about butterflies...
How sweet. I didn't even see the butterfly at first.
that's a bright and fun photo!
Oh, that is a FUN shot! I bet that butterfly was wondering what the heck was going on! LOL!
Wow... a whole page full of beautiful, beautiful photos. I had a lovely visit.
Oh! A nice photo!
This is so clever.
Thanks fro visiting Nelson on the theme day.
I like the shadow of cyclist, you captured.
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