venerdì 11 aprile 2008


17 commenti:

Gattina ha detto...

Very pretty ! Gives me an idea ! I have some beautiful skies from the Lago di Garda.

Anonimo ha detto...

A most wonderful view.
And the silhouettes give it a great touch.

Anonimo ha detto...

Those mountains are beautiful. Nice photos.

Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio.

Tom ha detto...

You have so many nice pictures on your blog and many many have beautiful skies.. I also found the wood carvings awesome.. thank you for joining in with Sky Watch today..

Anonimo ha detto...

wow...beautiful view...

Will you visit my SWF Thanks.

Juliana RW ha detto...

the first photo is amazing...

My SWF in here Thanks

SandyCarlson ha detto...

The shapes of the buildings are the same as the shapes of the mountains. These are great images.

Unknown ha detto...

Great swf shot! You have so many nice pictures on your blog.

Rose ha detto...

Love the sky shot, and I love door shot, too.

Lilli & Nevada ha detto...

Great architect with a beautiful background

Daniel J Santos ha detto...

All beautiful images, excellent.

FO - 2 ha detto...

Hello Livio. :)
This is just BEAUTIFUL! :)
The whole blog here is beautiful!
I will add you to my link list.
Have a nice weekend!

Anne-Berit ha detto...

That`s just beautiful!

Misty DawnS ha detto...

I have no words and no breath - this is amazing!

♥ Denise BC ♥ ha detto...

Perfect and beautiful

Denise BC

Petunia ha detto...

Great shots!

Petunia's SWF

Anonimo ha detto...

Wow! What a sight to see all the time from that beautiful village. Magnificent photo.

Please, Contact me by e-mail

Questo blog non rappresenta una testata giornalistica in quanto viene aggiornato a discrezione dell'autore in maniera non periodica e sistematica. Non è quindi un prodotto editoriale, ai sensi della legge 62 del 7/3/2001. Tutte le fotografie sono di mia produzione.
Grazie a tutti.

Jouvenceaux, Jouvençeaux, Sauze d'Oulx, Oulx, Ulzio, Salice d'Ulzio